Monday, February 1, 2010

Meeting Minutes - January 2010

Willowbrook Community Association
Board meeting Minutes
January 12, 2010

**Please refer to the Minutes & Documentation section of this site to download the full minutes, including the referenced attachments.**

In Attendance:
Christopher Childers
Brenda Birnbaum
Phil Pinard
Pete Berry
Mark Spinner
Jeff Rampon
Jay Reinhardt

Bonnie Mitchell, Visitor


• Meeting called to order by Christopher.
• November Board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.
• Linda Warren via e-mail has resigned from the board.
• Bonnie Mitchell introduced herself.
• There was a Motion by Pete and a Second by Brenda to select Bonnie Mitchell to fill the vacant Board Position. The Motion passed.

Financial Report:

• Jeff reported on the association finances, there is $40,935.24 in our account as of 1-12-10.
• There are 17 homeowners that have not paid the 2009-2010 assessment.
Architectural Report:
• Jay representing the Architectural Committee reported on their efforts on plan reviews of new homes and compliance.
• Jay will request an updated quote from contractors for the wall construction by the February meeting so that the information may be circulated to the homeowners prior to the annual meeting in May.
• Pete has salvaged the Willowbrook letters and will take them to a salvage yard/recycler and get the best price for the material and the money will be placed in the Association’s account.

Covenant Violations:• The Board approved hiring a lawyer to begin legal action to enforce the neighborhood’s architectural covenants in a case that has reached an impasse. Assuming the homeowners association wins the case, it is likely that the association’s legal fees to defend the covenants can be recovered from the homeowner who is prompting the action. Were the Board to take no action, the neighborhood might lose its ability to enforce its own covenants.
• Phil will sent out a letter to all homeowners remind us of the neighborhood covenants and city regulations regarding on-street parking.
• Christopher will check on the boat storage occurring on Silverleaf Ct.
Next meeting:

• February 9th 7:30 at Brenda’s. 109 Center Blvd.

Meeting Minutes - November 2009

Willowbrook Homeowners Association

November 17, 2009

**Please refer to the Minutes & Documentation section of this site to download the full minutes, including the referenced attachments.**

In attendance:

Mark Spinner
Phil Pinard
Pete Berry
Jay Reinhardt
Brenda Birnbaum
Gretchen Luongo

Approval of October meeting minutes

Motion was moved by Jay , seconded by Phil and approved by all to approve October minutes and post meeting minutes on the Willowbrook website.

Financial Update

• First round of late notices have gone out, we are up to 177 received. Phil is making contact with those outstanding.
• There are 30 assessments that are outstanding for the second year in a row.

Architecture Committee Report (Jay Reinhardt):

• Damage to Willowbrook Entrance: Job is complete. Jay will contact masonry and see if we can get the old letters back. The new sign is flush against the wall, the same as the other entrance.

• Landscaping: Fall trimming and clean up has been done. Jay will confirm that the sprinkler blow out has been done. Discussed removing grass and changing to a more desert friendly (zero-scaping) landscaping. No decision made. Also discussed adding more plants to empty places along the Leslie wall.

Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) (Pete Berry):

• Pete Berry will attempt to find out what annual bill will be.

Leslie Fence Replacement:

Discussed various methods to finance the wall replacement such as getting a loan, special assessments, and or raising dues.

The expected life of the current fence is about 5 years. WHOA previously determined it would be best to save money over the next 5 years to raise the money for the fence. Numbers need to be run to to determine exactly how much is needed.

Question raised: Could we talk to the city to see if they would take on some of the financial burden of the fence due to the sound?

Covenant Violations:

• No new violations requiring attention at this time.

Motion to adjourn Jay all second.

Next meeting will be on at 7:30pm, Tuesday, January 12th at the home of Jay Reinhardt at the home of the Jay Reinhardt, 202 Rocky Mountain Court at 7:00 pm. There will be no December meeting.

Meeting Minues - October 2009

Willowbrook Homeowners Association

October 13, 2009

**Please refer to the Minutes & Documentation section of this site to download the full minutes, including the referenced attachments.**

In attendance:

Chris Childers
Mark Spinner
Pete Barry
Jeff Rampon
Jay Reinhardt
Gretchen Luongo

Approval of September meeting minutes

Motion was moved by Jay Reinhardt, seconded by Jeff Rampon and approved by all to approve September minutes and post meeting minutes on the Willowbrook website.

Financial Update (Jeff Rampon,)

• This year there has been approximately $21K in expenses. So far, approximately $23K in assessments have been collected which should put us up about $5K at the end of the year.
• April agenda – discuss plan to finance fence replacement.
o Consider additional costs required to correct any damage to landscaping that occurs during fence replacement.
o Consider alternative of replacing wood fence section by section to spread the cost out.

Architecture Committee Report (Jay Reinhardt):

• Damage to Willowbrook Entrance: Statefarm Insurance has completely reimbursed cost of contract work. Southpaw (contractor) is waiting for the brick to arrive from Canada. In the meantime, Southpaw has torn down wall. Brick should arrive end of this week, next week wall will go up; following week letters will go up.

• Landscaping: North of Willowbrook Place, where Leslie was previously widened, there was landscaping damage incurred by electrical contractor--- after several visits from the contractor, and several failed attempt, and with the city’s help, the sod is being fixed.

South of Willowbrook Place, the sprinklers and the sod have been repaired. This issue was related to the work of an entirely different contractor. There is a 3 foot wide depression by green electrical box near Center, will watch for now.

• Looked into having two banners with website address printed to hang at the Willowbrook entrances when new information is posted – estimate for vinyl signs -$130 for 2 signs.
• There was concurrence that this is probably too much to pay for this purpose. Since there is no pressing need for the signs now, further discussion was deferred to a future meeting when the need again arises.

Re-Zoning Petition:

• Reviewed proposed petition for rezoning. Add wording that explains initial planning has changed – relocating the planned arterial so that there will no longer be an arterial to support high density housing. Chris Childers will email and board will vote by email to approve within the next couple of days.

• Point of Contact information will be added to the bottom of the petition.

• Aim to collect signatures prior to November 15th.

Kennewick Irrigation District (KID) (Pete Barry):
• Water is off, or soon to be off.
• To date, there has been no bill related to August outage. Pete Barry does not think there will be any bill for this under the current billing plan, but will contact KID to find out if there will be any additional costs.

Motion to adjourn

• Next meeting will be on at 7:30pm, Tuesday, November 17th at the home of Gretchen Luongo, 108 Bebb Court.