Bryant Kuechle (who sent the message below**) works for the consulting company hired by Richland to work on the Rachel Road Alignment Study. His message says the materials from the open house are now available online – a great way to view them if you weren’t able to attend the open house last night.
Comments are seriously considered and have played a big role in the study all along. So if you have comments, please submit them by April 26. You can submit electronic comments by emailing Bryant directly at bk@langdongroupinc.com. The comment form here cannot be completed and submitted electronically (it must be printed, completed, and mailed in). It suggests comments in the categories of:
· Alignment alternatives and ranking
· Design elements, and
· Opportunities for environmental enhancement and mitigation.
Page 6 of the displays from last night (located here) provide the Alternative Evaluation Scoring Results. Note that route alternatives C (opposite Rachel Road), E (BPA access road), and G (opposite Lorayne J) ranked relatively closely, with G scoring the highest.
The current plan is to present the results of the study to the City Council on June 6th
If you have questions, please let me know. If I don’t know the answers I will find someone who does.
Janet (janetsdavis@gmail.com)
**CAC – Thank you all for your participation in last night’s meeting. 46 people signed in and 22 comments were submitted.
The display boards and comment form are posted online at: https://www.ci.richland.wa.us/rachel [Note from Janet: Click on “Project Materials” to access the documentation.]
Please share this information with anyone that was unable to attend the meeting. We will be accepting comments through April 26. After the 26th, I will follow up with all of you regarding next steps.
Thanks again,