Friday, April 14, 2017

Rachel Road Open House Update


Bryant Kuechle (who sent the message below**) works for the consulting company hired by Richland to work on the Rachel Road Alignment Study. His message says the materials from the open house are now available online – a great way to view them if you weren’t able to attend the open house last night.  

Comments are seriously considered and have played a big role in the study all along.  So if you have comments, please submit them by April 26.  You can submit electronic comments by emailing Bryant directly at  The comment form here cannot be completed and submitted electronically (it must be printed, completed, and mailed in).  It suggests comments in the categories of:
·         Alignment alternatives and ranking
·         Design elements, and
·         Opportunities for environmental enhancement and mitigation.

Page 6 of the displays from last night (located here) provide the Alternative Evaluation Scoring Results. Note that route alternatives C (opposite Rachel Road), E (BPA access road), and G (opposite Lorayne J) ranked relatively closely, with G scoring the highest.

The current plan is to present the results of the study to the City Council on June 6th

If you have questions, please let me know. If I don’t know the answers I will find someone who does.

Janet  (

**CAC – Thank you all for your participation in last night’s meeting. 46 people signed in and 22 comments were submitted.

The display boards and comment form are posted online at: [Note from Janet:  Click on “Project Materials” to access the documentation.]

Please share this information with anyone that was unable to attend the meeting. We will be accepting comments through April 26. After the 26th, I will follow up with all of you regarding next steps.

Thanks again,
