If you signed up on Richland’s enotify link to receive notifications about the Rachel Road Alignment Study, you already received the email below announcing the second public open house on the Rachel Road Alignment Study.
What: Rachel Road Alignment Study Open House
Date: Wednesday April 12
Time: 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Where: Desert Hills Middle School Cafeteria, 1701 S Clodfelter Road, Kennewick
Please note the informational flyer contains more information, including:
The alternative evaluation by the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is complete.
- (Route G on this diagram link is the preferred route. This route was included in a display of future transportation plans at the Comprehensive Plan open house March 20. Route G ranked highest in the alternative evaluation process, in part because it scored well against criteria related to protecting Amon Creek Natural Preserve. Rick Simon, Richland’s Development Services Manager, stated at the Comprehensive Plan open house that it is the City’s intent to follow the recommendations of the CAC.)
- For people interested in the criteria and scoring that steered the alternative evaluation process, there will be more detailed presentations beginning at 6 and 7:30 pm.
- The open house will provide the public an opportunity to comment on potential roadway design elements and Amon Creek Natural Preserve enhancements.
- Tapteal Greenway, the founder of Amon Creek Natural Preserve, plans to keep the Preserve as a natural open space, which will influence the number and types of enhancements.)
Public input at the previous open house played a significant role in the CAC’s evaluation process. Your input at the April 12 open house will have a significant impact also. I hope you can attend!
Janet Davis