We held an emergency Willowbrook HOA Board meeting last night and transferred $15,500 from our general fund to the legal defense fund. Current donations and pledges total $35,000 toward our first round fundraising goal of $50,000. Thank you to those who have already donated!
Donations can be made to the GoFundMe site (2.9% + $.30 fee deducted) or to our PO Box 602, Richland, WA 99352. Pledges can be made to willowbrookinfo@gmail.com and we can make arrangements.
Comments are due to Mike Stevens by next Friday, October 30th. We need a large volume of comments in opposition to the project plan. Do not worry about getting the details correct, it is enough for you to say that you are concerned about traffic and safety or wildlife.
Willowbrook HOA has hired qualified expert roadway and traffic engineers and a wildlife biologist to provide expert comment and critique and testify at the hearing in December.
Public comments do not need to be comprehensive or detailed. Just writing to oppose the project in general or asking the City to enforce its own codes and laws is better than no comment at all.
Please spread to word to other Richland residents. The number of comments received by the City is a politically important element of our coordinated opposition to this project. Let the City know that you want them to make all developers follow the rules and city codes. This proposed project does not.
Residents were interviewed for a story on the project by local news KNDU. Be on the lookout for the story!