Friday, June 23, 2017

Rachel Road Update/ Important Meetings


Below are details about two developments in the Rachel Road Alignment Study:
·         The preferred alignment has been determined.
·         The schedule for communicating the preferred alignment to Richland officials has been determined.
o   The City meetings and workshop are important – strong public attendance will show the City the extent of interest in the location of the road across the Amon Creek Natural Preserve.
o   It is especially important to attend the July 18 Richland City Council meeting, at which the formal alignment recommendation will be made (see meeting details below).
o   You wouldn’t need to speak at the meetings – your presence would speak for itself, especially if the public shows up in large numbers.
Preferred Alignment

The Rachel Road Alignment Study Community Advisory Committee (or “CAC”) facilitators have collated input on the alternatives for connecting Leslie Road to the new elementary school in Amon Basin.

·          As reported earlier, Alternative G (opposite from Lorayne J Boulevard) scored highest in the formal evaluation performed by the CAC.  Alternatives C (opposite Rachel Road) and E (the BPA access road) scored only slightly lower than Alternative G.
·         See page 11 of the document on this webpage or a diagram showing the alignment alternatives. 
·         Public input from the April 12, 2017, open house and the subsequent comment period indicated a strong preference for Alternative G.

·         Based on the formal CAC evaluation and input from the public, Alternative G will be recommended to the City Council.

·         There is widespread concern for protecting the Amon Creek Natural Preserve as much as possible.

City Workshops and Meetings

The Alignment Study process and results will be discussed with Richland officials in the following City workshop and meetings:

·         Richland City Council Workshop:  The CAC facilitators will present an overview of the Alignment Study process, results, and the CAC-supported recommendation. They will share input received regarding design features, enhancements and mitigation as considerations for future phases of the project.  Note that public comment is not allowed at workshops.
DATE:  Tue June 27
TIME:  6:00 p.m.
LOCATION:  Council Chamber at Richland City Hall (505 Swift Blvd)

·         Richland Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting:  The Commission will discuss their own recommendation to the City Council. (On April 13, 2017, the day after the second and most recent Rachel Road open house, the CAC facilitators presented to the Commission an overview of the Alignment Study process, including the CAC alternative ranking and open house input.) Public comment is allowed at this meeting.
DATE:  Thu July 13
TIME:  7:00 p.m.
LOCATION:  Council Chamber at Richland City Hall (505 Swift Blvd)

·         Richland City Council Meeting:  The formal recommendation to the Council will be made at this meeting. It is especially important to attend this meeting. Public comment is allowed at this meeting.
DATE:  Tue July 18
TIME:  7:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Council Chamber at Richland City Hall (505 Swift Blvd)

For more information, including background and history of the Rachel Road Alignment Study, go to the City of Richland’s Rachel Road web page.
 Janet Davis